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Photo credit: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/82683343132809532/ |
In fact, the afternoon after work that I wrote my post last year, C and I met with our youth group at a McDonald's in our area to discuss about God's true love. We had burgers, fries, and sundaes and our Bibles and for the first time in our lives, C got me some balloons and chocolates. :)) Awww.. That was sweet and extremely unexpected. :))
I don't know what his plans are for today. He just told me that we'll meet after work. All I know is that God knows that I love surprises and for the four months of being married, I am pretty sure He has allowed C to know that as well. (Thank you, Lord!)
Back to my convictions, I still believe in what I wrote last year. As long as we are grounded on the Truth, we are on the right track. As long as we do not allow the media and the business industry to blind us on what True Love is, then, there is nothing to be ashamed of. As long as we prioritize God, recognize Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and live under His will by His grace, then, there is nothing to be guilty about.
And oh, we should celebrate love not just today but all the days of our lives, with or without a partner. Remember, God has already demonstrated His Amazing Love to us, about 2,000 years ago. While we're still living in sin, He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to be a human being and to suffer the cross, to die a shameful death, and to illustrate a glorious Resurrection.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we're still sinners, Christ died for us.
~(Romans 5:8)
And we have the assurance that if we truly accept and believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is our personal Savior (meaning, He is the only means to our salvation), and confess that He is our Lord (meaning, He has the first and last say in all directions and decisions in our lives), we will have eternal life (meaning not that we will not die, but that we are promised of a life in heaven after our death).
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
~(John 3:16)
And while we're at this, let me just say a love note to my husband of almost four months already:
My love... I am always awed at how our great Lord has equipped and enabled you to become a Godly man and a loving husband. We are both imperfect but your humility to owe up to your mistakes is always encouraging and your quickness to forgive is awe-inspiring. Long before you asked me to marry you, I knew that you love me just as the Lord has loved you unconditionally. Thank you for the sacrifices that you are making as my husband and the leader in our family--for those times that you would manually squeeze fresh ponkan juice every day and every night for me, everyday that you wake up early so you can help in the household chores, that night that you had to risk riding a habal-habal to reach me in talibon because I had high fever, those grueling days and nights that you brought me food, water, and meds while i was in solitary confinement for two weeks that I had c/pox, your loving massages when I was tired though I know you were also tired on your part...I can enumerate many more things and all these things always point out one thing: that yours is a sacrificial kind of love. Thank you for the love, forgiveness and grace to allow me to grow to a Godly, loving and submissive wife. May we continue to grow more in love with our King as we continue to minister to each other and others in need. I love you next to God and I pray that I will always love you the way He wants me to. <3