Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Tuesday: Another Answered Prayer and the Reward for Obedience

God to the Christian requires a love that is given with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our bodies, and with all our souls. But how do we attain that kind of love? First, it has to be purposed by God Himself who allows His Holy Spirit to be revealed to all those whom He has chosen. Second, as we are constantly filled by the Holy Spirit, we must intentionally seek and desire to be more intimate with Him, giving our best hours communing with Him.

Last Saturday, I have learned that the first gift our Creator bestowed to mankind through Adam at the Garden of Eden is the ability to communicate with Him. As our Potter and Maker, He delights at his child communicating to Him. [Communication involves more than just talking; it also requires listening. As such, it is equally important to listen to our Lord when we pray.] We are given this gift and we must use it. Hence, the importance of prayer.

I have learned how to keep an organized, weekly prayer list from a Pastor's wife who has been greatly used by the Lord during my times in the valley with Him. Through her and our One-on-One Bible studies together, I have discovered how to categorize my prayer and to schedule one category each day. By the Spirit's enablement, I was able and am constantly improving in my discipline to keep my prayer time with the Lord.

One of the prayers I have listed for Monday and Tuesday nights is the Lord's leading for a joint ministry for me and His sweet surprise and wonderful blessing. For more than two months now, I have constantly prayed that He will lead him to the right desire to serve Him together with me. As I said those words of petition, I always knew in my heart as have this trust and confidence that God will answer that specific prayer.

Lo and behold, last Saturday, God's sweet surprise and wonderful blessing led our second devotion time for the week. And his devotion centered on 1 Corinthians 12:12-30. Though we did not stay for long, the Lord surprised me when he said and I paraphrase: "This is the Lord's leading to me that we should start praying and looking for a ministry in church where we can serve the Lord together. And it's not just about you getting involved or me participating in the activities, I want it to be the Lord's ministry for us where we can serve the Lord together as partners."

Wow, I really could not believe what I heard at that time. While he was doing his speech, my heart was leaping for joy to the Lord, thanking Him with all my heart, mind, body and soul.

You see, I could have nudged him and requested him to choose a ministry for us. I could have demanded from him that we should start praying for a ministry together. I could have done a little manipulation but I chose not to.

Because that is how God has been leading and wanting me to honor the man in this relationship.  And I obeyed, by the leading of the Holy Spirit. I obeyed because I desired to honor God's design in a relationship.

And it was much sweeeter knowing that it was God Himself who enabled my man to lead me to Him.

As I shout for joy and leap in celebration, I give back all the praise and adoration to the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!

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